Monday, September 17, 2012

Phrase of the Day

I would really love to go back and study Irish so I can speak it fluently. I'll probably never get the time but I found this really cute way to learn an Irish phrase a day.

Go to to click on a video where you can hear and to see today’s phrase.

Gaelchultúr’s Irish language evening classes for adults will commence next week (24-29 September 2012) in the following venues: Dublin, Carlow, Cork and Limerick. They will also have Live Online Classes available worldwide for the first time. They are offering one month’s free subscription to a course to everyone who books a night class this autumn.

The Intensive Course in Written Irish will begin Saturday, 22 September, and their next Irish Language Course for Hibernia Applicants will start 11–13 October.

Eolas/Information:  |  | (01) 484 5220  | 1890 252 900

Maybe next time!

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