Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Faking It

On Sunday I've my boyfriends family coming over a Christmas lunch cooked in theory by err me? Chris's family are the anti - my family? If that makes sense! His family are straight out of a greeting card - homely and traditional. Like the people you'd see in a Argos or Sky advert. My family is a lot of things but traditional it is not. More the kind of people you'd see on Channel 4 factual drama. In fact our only tradition at Christmas is the opposite of everyone else - we open our presents on Christmas Eve night coz like who can wait until Christmas morning for Santa?

I get the impression that Chris's family (and er everyone) think I'm a rather useless girlfriend in terms of being a "homemaker"(That's very 1930's I know). Probably because I am actually useless. I don't cook, clean, (Chris steps in here like a good metrosexual male) and I freak out around small children (they are very fragile and I'm very careless so for their own safety they shouldn't be left alone with me until over the age of 6. At least I'm fun with small children Chris has been known to growl at them)and most importantly my pets take pride of place in my home which isn't to the majority of people's taste (would you like cat hair with that?). So I'm proving a point - I can be Anthea Turner if I try. Or at least I can fake it for Christmas just like my Mother does.

So I've my Christmas tree up, presents bought and wrapped, wreath on my door, half of the lights on the house, socks on the fireplace and my menu sorted.



Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Serves 6


1 Butternut Squash (about 3kg)
2 onions
1 Litre Vegetable stock
Salt and pepper
150ml cream
100g butter
3 tbls vegetable oil

Spice Mix

½ teaspoon cumin seed
½ teaspoon coriander seed
½ teaspoon black peppercorns
1 stick cinnamon
1 teaspoon white or black mustard seeds
150g butter

Served with homemade soda bread.

Main Course


Prep time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Serves 6


*Sauce Cheat* 2 tins of Campbell’s mushroom soup
4 Chicken Fillets
2 large bunches of Broccoli
Handful of Mushrooms
Breadcrumbs to top

Side Orders

Caramelised Carrots
Brussel Sprouts with toasted hazelnuts
Mustard Potatoes


Top Secret Casey Family Trifle (sure as hell no custard)

Top Secret Ledwidge Family Christmas Pudding (cooked by Geraldine Chris's mom!)

So wish me luck with this cold I need it. Swine Flu on side - hmmm.

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