I recently experienced a paradigm shift. I need to make a few points about myself for you perhaps to understand.
As the youngest sister I grew up in hand me downs leggings and oversized jumpers renown for always wearing a baseball hat. College was a mixed bag. I won’t lie I often wore my PJ’s and an aran jumper to class (that’s how you snag a man girls).
Never without my trusty baseball cap... |
My BOI/ Daily Mail days were plagued by comments on my striking resemblance to Ugly Betty. There was a pair of red glasses and poncho involved so really I was fair game…
Ugly Betty Era |
A toy boy when I was younger I’d very little interest in makeup and clothes. Anything I really liked I was never allowed leave the house in (Hawaiian shirts are cool okay?) and everything else depressed me.
I moved out of home over 10 years ago and I always know I’m home when my Mother remarks that it wouldn’t hurt to wear a bit of make up as I arrive like a crumpled piece of paper off the train.
For my job interview for KISS I borrowed a fabulous pair of designer shoes and got fake nails. Once I got the job I quickly reverted to natural state - flats. I mentioned in to my boss after to see if she noticed (or minded) that the well dressed lady at the job interview turned out to be just a sloth. She told me no - she had seen me snot myself in those borrowed designer shoes from her office window directly after the interview. She was under no illusions.

So where is the paradigm shift? It happened today as I told someone that Denim on Denim was actually a trend (though we agreed not everyone could pull it off) and that I was looking forward to A/W as there is an emphasis on textured looks (gonna rock that aran jumper like a mofo) I suppose the influence of working in a glossy magazine for four years has left its mark on me. I just didn’t notice until I left.
Then I remembered…
Last week I visited Brown Thomas just to say “allo” to a pair of Marc Jacobs ballet pumps. They’re €215 for ballet pumps? That’s actual stupid? And yet…they will be mine…
Last weekend when I cleared my boyfriends clothes out of the wardrobe and stuck them in the spare room. I needed more room for clothes. Not just clothes but shoes and handbags too. While my makeup is stored is 4 different boxes on my dresser full of knickers.
In fact the last time I when home I spend the train journey applying makeup and wore heels. My Mother said I looked well!!!
I mean I still don’t iron, I own lounge pants and am generally covered in cat hair but it turns out Ugly Betty was very fashion forward.
My sudden ability to apply liquid eyeliner and turn around an outfit which can be described "elegant" honestly scares me. The thought that there is such a vast improvement and yet I often wander out in public like that crumbled piece of paper scared me more.
What's going on in my life that makes me actually care about Victoria Beckham's new optical line? That I spend hours on pinterest or researching manicures online?
Being better groomed - presentable is on my to do list but does that mean I'm giving up on the idea of being myself? Style I suppose is a form of expression but what would those 215 quid Marc Jacob shoes be saying about me?
My style has always been uniquely me. I wouldn't want to lose that for universal approvable but God why do I want those shoes...
Somehow this is all so much more than me wanting pretty shiny things.