I am unhealthy! Hence I am sick.
Currently I am on my third viral infection since Christmas. This time to keep things fresh I also have conjunctivtis. (Yes - such a classy disease!) Previous to this there was an unexplained period where I had chest pain and an inablity to breathe which involved a faux blood clot and a lot of conspiracy theories I am "anxious". How can you not be anxious when you can't breathe? Silly doctors.
The big question is why? What is it about my lifestyle that's making me as weak as a kitten?
I've never done drugs (hmmm...codeine) I don't smoke? I'm not a big drinker? I ran a 10k last year (well..it was more of a struggle than a run) and my boyfriend is vegetarian surely meaning I get plenty veg.
Loads of people burn the candle at both ends 247 yet are bright eyed and bushy tailed at work while I am pus eyed and barely albe to speak I'm so tired.
And then there is that class of superhumans - those people who when they are suffering from a terrible cold just miss the gym? I don't think I can ever reach their level?
So what do I have to do to be healthy? I don't think I've the energy? Hence the vicious circle?
I think I'll start with chicken noodle soup, vicks, benylin and bed. The rest will have to wait.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Gonna get my shite together I guess now I'm 28
So for my 28th year on the planet I want to set some ground rulez.
1. I need to blog more... and hopefully that'll be a gateway drug to more writing. I love to write. I know I don't have any mad skills - in fact people generally don't understand anything I write down my grammar and spellings are so bad but hey I haven't a fuckin' clue what Joyce is talking about!
2.Recharge my batteries - I haven't this one figured out just yet but it'd definitely gonna involve sun, and alone time. I find it IMPOSSIBLE to relax so I need to find a solution before I have to be a hermit cat lady.
Bigglesworth as king of his box castle. |
3. Sort out my hair. That cut - that colour.
That's it so far! Look out for part two soon.
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